Friday, August 22, 2008


I am an opinionated person, there is no doubt about it. I also love to write. I also like to know if someplace is good before I go there otherwise it is a waste of my time. Enter: People can write reviews of businesses, restaurants, stores, parks, basically anything. I enjoy giving props to business I like and I equally enjoy writing a scathing review of places I hate. I like that you can see the overall rating of all the reviews so that you are not relying on one crabby person who writes bad reviews about everything.

Another reason I enjoy Yelp is because although I am opinionated, I have a difficult time actually complaining about bad service, food or rude sales people. It makes me uncomfortable to do it in person and I often find nothing comes of complaint letters or emails. However, within the confines of, I feel comfortable enough to complain on Yelp. If I had a bad experience, I am going to write about it so no one else has to have that same bad experience. At least not if they check first.

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